Interested to submit a guest post on Revolving Compass? Great!
Before submitting a draft, make sure you have contacted us and discussed the topic that you want to write about. Do read the below rules for guest post submission on Revolving Compass and ensure they are followed when you submit us a draft.
Rules of Submission
- Make sure you are submitting only travel related content, well researched, fresh, not published anywhere else & not to be published anywhere else in the future. Also it should not void any copyrights usage by others in written mode or on internet over any other website. If any such thing happens by mistake, you agree to take the liabilities.
- The content must be unique, thorough, fit for audience of all age group, easy to read and free from grammatical errors.
- Do browse through the website to understand the depth of our articles. The content length should be minimum 1500-2000 words.
- The article should not contain any affiliate or commercial links. you can put one link to your blog. If the intention is to connect to an affiliate or commercial link, you should mention it clearly during the first communication itself.
- All images provided by you should be taken from your own camera, or you should be holding license to those images. If you don’t have relevant images, then not an issue. We will provide the images as applicable.
- We reserve the rights to edit the guest post as applicable.
- By providing a post or article to Revolving Compass you agree that you are in no way becoming a part of the website. Nor can you hold yourself out to be a member of the website or the domain.
- You can provide an author bio along with the article to be included towards the end of the article.
You can head to the contact us page and submit your request through the form towards the end of the page. Or you can directly email us at