Must have during travel Part 1 : Electronics

Now a days there is a huge list of things one must have during travel with them. Some time back we wrote about how we continued traveling far and wide after having our baby. And the secret behind it – a bunch of travel friendly products for kids and toddlers that really helped us make our life traveling with our baby super easy and convenient. Along with the tips for traveling with toddler, that we have learnt and discovered over a period of time, touch wood, now it’s a breeze traveling with our kid.

Post this , we got a lot of enquiry from our friends and readers on what other products we use during our travel in general. That add to the convenience. And also, help us be efficient with our travel plans. So, we have decided to start a series on the same. And in this first part, we introduce you to some of the electronic items that we always carry where ever we go.

PS: clicking on the product image will take you to the product page

An easy and portable pen drive

Actually, a very small pen drive, which can fit in any corner of the purse. But it’s of enormous use. It helps us store the soft copy of our important documents. Including our tickets, hotel vouchers, important contact details and what not. We normally carry our laptop also along with us. So, with a pen drive we can easily transfer data & print data stepping into a cyber-cafe or using our hotel’s lobby service. This way, our useful data is at our fingertips as and when we need it. Also, not to forget – it can as well store lots of songs and some movies and videos for road trips and those boring layovers and flights :). A must have during travel.

Must have during travel
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A compact Power Bank

We carry a small and compact power bank with us. Since we do visit remote places. Just a couple of months back, we visited a homestay in Wayanad where there was constant power cuts. And the drive was also a long one. When you are traveling for longer durations. Or, you know there are chances of power cut in your destination, better to be equipped with a power bank. It can help you charge all your other electronics including your phone and camera – whether you are on the move or stationed. A must have during travel now a days.
Must have during travel
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Universal travel charger

Well, I always have this question, why the world can’t be a little more symmetrical here. It would be so much easier for a frequent traveler. But anyways, it’s not. So much so that even the sockets tend to be different in different part of the world. And thus what comes to our rescue is a universal  travel charger adopter like the below one. With this you can travel worldwide, tension free that when you arrive there, how are you going to fit your phone charger into the alien socket available 🙂
Must have during travel
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Memory Card

Well, after all, a holiday is all about making memories. And we all capture memories during our travel. So much so that the phone, the camera everything tends to overflow at times. (Yes, that reminds me, I do have to make some space in my camera before the next trip !!). And what helps us here is a nice memory card. Easy to carry, easy to fit and easy to store. A tiny memory card that can help us capture lots of memories during our travel.  This is our next must have during travel.

Must have during travel
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Amazon Kindle

Well, this is not something you can’t do without. But this is something everyone is bound to fall in love with. Many a times, when we travel, we need books and magazines to help us fill our time. During long queues, during the airport layovers, during the road trips and even in the hotels. After all books are our best friends! Moreover, we also need them to be our guide at times. There are so many guide books available for all the places. And we can just grab one to the destination we are headed to. How amazing it will be? But imagine carrying 100s of hard copy of books with you. How will you carry them? In your limited backpack. No way! Right. That is where Kindle comes in.

I know it has many amazing features. But the ability to carry my whole library with me in one small and compact device is what overpowers everything else for me. And it is my must have during travel. I have used it everywhere I have been. When I read a book on the beach or poolside in Goa. Or when I read one on that lovely window seat at the Lodge at WahOr when I had one always with me during those road trips around India. (And everyday while I commute to work..well ok, I know that won’t count)

Must have during travel
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An amazing camera

One thing that none of us wants to miss at. A must have during travel far or near. We have had experience with multiple cameras. But we intend to elaborate on that sometimes later. For now, let us emphasize the fact that a camera is a must of must to carry with you. I have seen people take pictures using phone or ipad, but for me somehow, the experience doesn’t match that of a camera at all. I need one all the time. Even if I am going out just in the town to explore a new place. I have a friend who carries her camera randomly and comes up with such lovely snaps that I am completely bowled over every time I peek into her camera.

Don’t want to carry a heavy DSLR or SLR tucked in your belt or hung in your neck all the time? No problem, here is a compact one to serve most of your purposes. And also doesn’t take up much space in your luggage:

Must have during travel
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PS: Laptops are yet another integral part of our travel electronics now a days. More so for those who have to work during their travel. Here’s a read to help you decide how to choose the best laptop for you. Also, here’s a list of 10 best travel laptops for 2020.

Do help us grow our list by letting us know what other electronic essentials you carry during your travel. Do they help in making your life easier? In what possible ways? We will love to hear back from you.

Happy traveling!!

PS: Some of our links are affiliated, this means we will earn a commission when you buy a service or product by clicking those links. However, this will have no extra cost for you.


Travel essentials that are must have during travel - electronics that you must carry with you for convenient travel. Pen drive. Camera. Multi socket adopter.

127 thoughts on “Must have during travel Part 1 : Electronics”

  1. Useful article. Electronics can make our lives incredibly convenient on the one hand, but also be insanely distracting on the other.

    • Thats so rightly said. But in today’s world, it’s difficult to live without them, however much damage they do to us at times

  2. Awesome List! I take the majority of these on my travels but I have never though of taking a pen drive as I back everything up on my laptop but that is a great idea to have a spare copy.

  3. What I really want to have is a camera. I only use my phone and though it takes decent photos nothing still beats the quality of a real camera. I just need to save up first before I’d be able to get one.

    • You are right Marjorie..nothing can beat the quality of a good camera. It’s so much fun to take pics when you have a good one

  4. Great list of necessities to have on your trip. You are right, although not a necessity, a Kindle is something you would fall in love with along your journey. Everyone needs a good camera and memory disk as well to capture those great family moments. Thanks for sharing.

  5. One thing that I always carry is the universal travel charger but I should really invest on a compact power bank. It really is helpful in remote places.

  6. I wholeheartedly agree with taking a kindle while travelling. I used to carry a few books with me when I first started travelling and my goodness they add weight to your pack. Very helpful list.

  7. these are all great tips for traveling with all these must haves especially the electronics. I love having to do list with things I need when traveling. Thanks

  8. My first thought was ‘oh great, what new gadget must i purchase next’ but luckily, i already have all of these and could not imagine travel without hem

  9. I absolutely agree with you, although unfortunately lately I realized how little energy is left after a long exploration day to read… 🙁
    One thing I would add: as an individual traveler, organizing the next stages of our travels on the way and as a blogging-photographer keeping our blog alive and processing our pictures: I could not do without my laptop… 🙂

  10. Very useful article. Coincidentally, I was arranging a trip of a Australian customer to India and forwarded your blog post to help them in the last minute preparation while boarding the plane to India to stay in an Indian home!

  11. Technology sure does make travel a little bit easier. I have many of these products for myself! I have the kindle app on my phone, so I just read on that and it eliminates one thing to have to bring!

    • You are can have kindle app on phone and laptop. But for me, nothing beats the experience of reading it on the kindle. Since, it gives the feeling of reading a hard cover book, without straining the eyes

  12. I agree with these travel essentials! Electronics is an integral part of my travel esp when i need to work on the road…

  13. a pen drive…I would never have thought about that and always struggled when needing to print something! Thanks for the tip; now I feel stupid that I did not find this so easy solution on my own 😀

  14. I hadn’t thought of packing some of these things on my travels and often get caught out having to buy things while I’m away. Great list.

    • You are right…I remember, when I was small, we just carried a small camera with us. No mobile phones, nothing else. The list is growing, but it is also making the travel more convenient

  15. A laptop! Actually, we both currently carry a laptop. Not really convenient, but when travelling for a year we find it very handy.

    • A laptop is a must for travelers who need to be connected to the internet while they travel. We also carry our laptop with us. Only sometimes, we go to remote places and don’t have wifi there. Then it’s like a forced break from rest of the world

  16. Good list. Nowadays the list of electronic gadgets seems to be growing. Hope some day technology revolutionizes things to such an extent that all the gadgets can be combined into one. The universal adapter is a must, especially when traveling out of the country.

    • What a wonderful idea. Imagine not having to carry all these different things and that just one gadget would be sufficient..


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